#01 From the hotel window to see the street View.
♬ CALLmeKAT- Sweet You
#02 Whether to any place, I always can not change to observe the "human" habit.
#03 The crowds steady stream ,everyone rushing down to next goal, and I choose to press the pause here.
#04 Special architectural engineering methods :( scaffolding / Cantonese)(搭棚/廣東話) alternative metal frame with bamboo , like metal scaffolding in Taiwan.
#05 I must mention the Hong Kong Disneyland, especially after dark, it makes me fall into the illusion.
#06 Disneyland in night as charming as morphine. BTW,I love carousel.
#07 I think I must have seen this scene in the animated film Frozen, I swear !!!
#08 Classic castle ro Disney animation will definitely appear.
#09 Brilliant fireworks show for park closed.
#10 12:30 am, rushed to Lan Kwai Fong(蘭桂坊) to participate in Halloween Parade.
#11 The densely populated street scene.
#12 This is a blend of traditional and modern cities.
#13 Hong Kong Exhibition Centre.
2013/10/31 攝於 香港 .Hong Kong
Canon 550D / EF 18-55mm F4.0
三天兩夜小資行程 (機+酒自遊行):
這次Summer完全放空,跟著朋友衝黑色萬聖節行程完全信賴,下了飛機後完全照表操課,超級輕鬆愜意。想想前幾次自助必須自己從頭到尾hold住一切,其實壓力也不小啊 (尤其是行前準備,真是既興奮又痛苦的無限循環),這次有導遊在的感覺真好。(懶散貌~)
沒有網路Summer會痛苦得無法生存!!! 加上完全路癡沒有導航我就回不了家,所以出門在外網路是一定要先解決的,這次香港行首推 one2free 的短期無限上網吃到飽(7日)方案,HKD $88搞定,在香港國際機場(赤鱲角機場)就能買到囉,提供教戰守則如下:Labelless Vera :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.